01526 352879 | 01526 354408

email: info@russellgreencarehome.co.uk | www.russellgreencarehome.co.uk

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Home Care

We do realise that a residential care home setting is not conducive to everyone and so we formed a homecare division of the company to take that same standard of care that the home enjoys out into the local community.

All aspects of personal care can be given as well as general housework and the preparation of meals.

This service may be for just a short time, to promote independence at home after maybe an illness or returning from hospital.

Other clients may require on going homecare due to their frailty or an illness that prevents them from being capable of doing some of the day to day tasks required to live independently.

All our clients will be treated in a positive way, having their individuality, dignity and choices respected.

Our clients are always actively involved in the assessment and review of their care needs and their comments and opinions listened to and acted upon.